Référence: 59-04629
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Livraison gratuite à partir de 300dt
Ouvert tous les jours de 8:30h à 18h
Supported Software
Connects to PC:Computer connection via USB interface
Supported Devices
Programming and debugging the following 8051-based system-on-chips from Texas Instruments:CC1110, CC1111;CC2430, CC2431;CC2510, CC2511;
CC2530, CC2531, CC2533,CC2540, CC2541;CC2543, CC2544, CC2545
Controlling the following transceivers from SmartRF Studio:CC1120, CC1121, CC1125, CC1175;CC1101, CC110L, CC113L, CC115L;CC2520
Configuring the CC85xx devices with PurePath Wireless Configurator:CC8520, CC8521;CC8530, CC8531
LED Status
OFF: The debugger has no power or there is no valid firmware on the debugger.
AMBER (BOTH LEDS ON): The debugger is powered, but there is no valid firmware.
RED LED BLINKING: The Debugger is in Boot Recovery Mode.
RED LED ON: No device detected. This might be due to old firmware on the CC Debugger, or a problem with the hardware connection (make sure the target board is properly powered and connected correctly).
GREEN LED ON: The target device has been properly detected. It is possible to start programming/debugging.
PACKAGE CONTENT:1.CC Debugger × 1 2.USB cable × 1 3.10-pin flat cable × 1
Wiki: www.waveshare.com/wiki/CC_Debugger
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