Référence: 59-05720
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The MBoard is a unique Arduino board which features a L298P motor driver, an XBee socket, nRF24L01+ module interface, Micro SD socket and an ATMega32U4. The bootloader of Mboard is based on Arduino Leonardo. With motor driver chip L298P, this board can drive the DC motor directly and stepper motor with software IO control. This board will add wireless as well as motor control connectivity to your projects. It’s great for anything from home automation to robot control. The possibilities are endless!
Microcontroller |
ATMega32U4 |
External Resources |
Electronic Brick Interface |
RAM Capacity |
2K |
FLASH Capacity |
32K |
I/O Operation Level |
3.3V 5V |
Board Size |
80.77mm x 57.66mm |
Version |
1.0 |
Weight |
60 g |
Référence: 59-00379
Diymore Kit de démarrage RFID pour Arduino UNO R3 Version améliorée Suite d'apprentissage 830 platine de prototypage LCD1602 IIC diode LED Servo de résistance