Référence: 59-04039
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Open407V-D is an STM32 development board designed for the ST official tool STM32F4DISCOVERY, which features the STM32F407VGT6 microcontroller onboard.
The Open407V-D supports further expansion with various optional accessory boards for specific application. The modular and open design
makes it the ideal for starting application development with STM32F4 series microcontrollers.
Development Resources
Related software (KEIL etc.)
Demo code (examples in C, μC/OS-II)
Schematic (PDF)
STM32 development documentations (Datasheet etc.)
Wiki: www.waveshare.com/wiki/Open407V-D?Amazon
Standard Package:
Open407V-D development board x 1
4-pin wire x 2
2-pin wire x 2
USB power cable x 1
Software CD x 1
Accessory Boards Package:
3.2inch 320x240 Touch LCD x 1
USB3300 USB HS Board (ULPI) x 1
DP83848 Ethernet Board (ETH) x 1
NandFlash Board (A) (FSMC) x 1
OV7670 Camera Board (B) (DCMI) x 1
PL2303 USB UART Board (mini) x 1
Ethernet Cable x 1
USB type A plug to mini-B plug cable x 1
USB type A receptacle to mini-B plug cable x 1
Référence: 59-05440
MINI STM32 development board (512K FLASH 64K SRAM)